For those of you who came to Buddha Groove I would like to thank you for contributing to a powerful evening.
I think it was the best groove yet. And judging by your response many of you agree ... it was wonderful to see more than 200 old and new groovers of all ages dancing and meditating together...can't wait to play with you again in the Spring as California calls to me soon...
Thanks again to Prosad for his wonderful music, Dee for co hosting, Tim and Rahul for the drumming circle and yummy food, Venessa for the delicious dance, Parvati for the inspiring song, Darren for the exquisite crystal bowls and Hilary for her heart opening meditation...and the video and photo chroniclers Marcus, Gisela and Mel. promised I am posting the meditation. The first video is my intro, the second, Darren and Hilary's meditation....
to enjoy the meditation click on play buttons below